Nicole is 13. Her older sister Jenny is 15. They're getting ready for school.
Nicole: What did you do to your hair? It looks weird.
Jennie: Why don't you just shut up?
Nicole: Did you cut it? You cut it yourself? Mom is going to kill you. Mom, Mom!
Jennie: Just shut up. Leave her out of it.
Nicole: You look like a dweeb. You better wear a hat or a scarf or something. Oh God, you look funny.
She begins to laugh.
Jennie: Get out of the bathroom.
Nicole: You don't own the bathroom. Maybe you should just cut all of your hair off.
Jennie: What are you wearing? Is that my necklace?
Nicole: Is it okay if I wear it?
Jennie: What are you doing trying it on? Get it off.
She starts pulling at the necklace.
Nicole starts to scream.
Mother comes running in.
Mother: Quiet. You two need to be out of this house in five minutes.
Jennie: She's wearing my necklace. And she won't take it off.
Mother: Take off her necklace.
Nicole: Why can't I borrow it? I let her wear my leotard yesterday.
Mother: A necklace isn't the same thing.
Jennie: Amber gave me that necklace.
Mother: Give her back the necklace.
Nicole: You always take her side. And she choked me.
Mother: I don't have time for this. Just get ready.
Looks at Jennie again.
Mother: What did you do to your hair?
Jennie: You have eyes.
Nicole: She's trying to look like Amber. Only she looks horrible.
Mother: Get out of the bathroom. And stop fighting. I can't stand it first thing in the morning. It's not fair to me. I don't want to start off the day on a bad note.
Mother walks out. Jennie tries to pull the necklace off of Nicole. Finally Nicole takes it off. She slaps Jennie across the face. Jennie starts to cry. She runs to her mother.
Jennie: She's ruining my life. I hate her. I wish she was dead.
Mother: You don't mean that.
Jennie: Oh yes I do. And you spoil her rotten. You never take my side.
Mother: I don't know why the two of you can't get along. Please don't do this tonight. Please.
Nicole: What's tonight?
Mother: I told you. We're taking Grandma out for her birthday. I want you to promise me you're going to get along. Don't embarrass me.
Jennie: Where are we going?
Mom: Italian.
Jennie: Why can't we go for Chinese. We always go for Italian.
Mom: Grandma wants Italian.
Nicole: I want Chinese too.
Mom: Finally you two agree on something. But we're going for Italian.
Nicole: Can't we go for Chinese?
Jennie: Grandma won't care.
Mom: You two are impossible. I should just leave the two of you home. Let you go ahead and kill each other. It's my fault. I've spoiled you both rotten. If you ruin tonight, you'll both be grounded for a week. I mean it.
Nicole: (sarcastically) Sure, Ma.
Jennie: (sarcastically) Right, Ma. Your two terrible kids won't ruin your party, don't worry. We'll behave like we're the perfect family.