Do you want to try cooking with your kids, but you don't know what recipes to choose?
Do you already love cooking with your kids and are looking for a new fun way to do it?
Try printing out these fun and simple recipes to use with your children.
Over ten years ago, when I first became a pre-school teacher, I by chance purchased a slim soft-cover cookbook. This cookbook, Kinder-Krunchies - healthy snack recipes for children, by Karen S. Jenkins, became the basis for hours and hours of fun and educational experiences for my students and later on for my own children.
I am excited that now, with the permission of the author, I am able to offer these wonderful recipes to you and your children.
Children love these simple pictures that help them to literally "see" the ingredients and amounts that are used in recipes. Print out these recipes and make them together with your children.
After you finish the recipe, let your child color in the pictures. When she is finished, hang up the picture on the refrigerator or even better, make a "book" of all the recipes.
Your child's own cookbook
I find that children love having their own cookbook, with the recipes they make and pages that they decorate. You can make a cover for the cookbook. Suggest your child draw food pictures or cut them out of magazines and glue them to a cover.
Each month I will be adding a new recipe to the section so you can start putting together the cookbook with your child and know that there will always be new recipes coming to add into it. Some recipes will be directly from the Kinder-Krunchies book and others will be from my own kitchen, but using the book's wonderful format.