A Martin Holt Original
Chris Kutchinsky, 14, has one main interest - boys. She’s developing and knows it. She supports her brother, Joe, in his war against the intruder, Judith.
The joke’s on me. When Mom was alive, I wished I had a big sister. Then Mom died. So now I have a new mother and a big sister who I can’t stand. She doesn’t get off my case, with her stuck-up opinions about dress and music. And Pamela seemed so nice at first, but now it seems that she’s letting Judith take over and get away with being nasty. (Sarcastically:) She’s such a good girl, with high grades, and she plays the piano. It’s not our fault that none of us was ever musical. She makes us feel like such low-lifes. What a snob.
I know Dad’s been kind of lonely since Mom died. We all have. He was sad for so long. I remember seeing him cry. Sometimes I think about Mom and try to remember how she used to be. I miss her so much. Pamela will never be my mother. I told Dad that I’ll only call her "Pamela". The fact is I don’t call her anything. I don’t even talk to her. Maybe Dad’s happy with all this. I’m sure not. I hate Connecticut. It’s so boring..
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