Naomi Baum, PhD.
Naomi Baum is the Director of the Resilience Unit at The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma and the National School Resilience Project. Her work at ICTP focuses on developing programs to build resilience in communities that have been highly exposed to trauma and stress. She has successfully brought her approach to Biloxi, Mississippi in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Her work there included seven visits to the city, she trained teachers, social workers, school nurses, and counselors. She has also worked with the population in Haiti following teh earthquake. She has written about Trauma and Resilience in several published articles and books.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My wife and I have been married for 16 years and for the most part have been very happy until we moved into our new house in December. My wife is so upset that the house is not "perfect". We still have problems with the builder not fixing some things and this adds to her frustration. We have steadily grown apart. Last night we had a good discussion on what we thought our problems were and we both agreed that finances and the house were major problems.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I've been married five years. My husband and I have three kids together and one from a previous relationship. From the beginning I have had trouble expressing my feelings toward my husband. I've always loved him but he says I 'm not loving and compassionate enough. The beginning of 1999 he had to work out of the country for six months When he returned he accused me of cheating, because I went out with friends more than usual.
I am writing to you to help my relative. She is a teacher barely making ends meet. Her husband is self-employed and workin...
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I really need your help and advice. My husband and I have been married for just over five years. We do not have any children together, but we each have one from previous marriages. The kids are not the issue. When we met I fell "head over heels" in love with him, and he felt the same way. We married only one year after we had met (and only dated for four months). We worked together, were best friends, and did nothing without the other.
Dear WholeFamily, I've been with my spouse for almost fifteen years. Lately, we haven't been getting along at all!!! He'll tell me something for instance and a little while later tell me he never said it. Also, whenever I tell my opinion he tells me I'm wrong and only his opinion is the right one.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have a simple question for you. Am I a "control freak" for getting angry that my wife is alone with a single man in his apartment at 1 am? To me, this seems inappropriate and creates a dangerous environment. I feel very jealous and disrespected. Thank you, "Wondering If I Am a Control Freak" Dear "Wondering If I Am a Control Freak," The question you ask is clearly not as simple as you make it out to be.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have been married for nine years and we have a seven-year-old child. I always thought of our marriage as almost ideal. My husband is a loving, generous, kind-hearted, wonderful person, who is also a great dad. About three months ago, I had a phone conversation with an ex-boyfriend of mine, whom I dated seriously for about a year, eleven years ago. We had not spoken for eleven years, and it was strictly business that lead me to try to contact him.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have been married for 22 years and have two children, a son who is 17 and a daughter who is 19 years old. My husband and I are in the process of separating. He has been gone for five days now. He is coming over in the next few days to talk to the kids and explain why we are splitting up.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, Aren't there some situations where divorce is justified?? My husband I have been married 18 years. We have two beautiful boys age three and seven. But now, I can no longer tolerate his immaturity. He has hit me in the past (bruises, not broken bones). He has also struck a child in our home one year ago, for which he has now received a court order to go to counseling. He tells me that he is looking forward to counseling (now that he knows I am contemplating divorce).
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