Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Chris Tells Her Story

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Chris, please tell me what happened.

Chris is silent. She rocks slightly back and forth in her chair.

Chris? Please tell me what happened.

Chris is silent.

Chris, someone did something to you. Tell me what happened.

Chris (in choked whisper):
I can't.

Joseph (tight voice):
A boy did something to you, didn't he? Who was it?

No answer.

Tell me Chris, what did he do?

Chris pulls herself closer together and lowers her head.

Did he hurt you?

Chris (barely audible):

Joseph (anger rising in his voice):
Did he rape you?

Chris breathes heavy and begins to cry.

(turns away and mumbles to himself softly, "That bastard..." He approaches Chris and puts his arm around her): Honey, are you hurt?

Chris (sobbing):
Daddy, Daddy it was so horrible...

Joseph (holding her):
It's all right honey, I'm here, I want you to tell me what happened.

Chris (hiding her face):
I can't, I didn't want to, I hate myself. I was so stupid. How could I let him ...

What do you mean? What happened Chris?

I can't talk about it.

Joseph (holds her):
Honey, you have to talk about it. Do you want to talk to Pamela?

No! Not her! I hate her!

Honey, Pamela's a nurse. She sees things like this all the time. Nothing can shock us. Listen, we should take you to the hospital.

No! No!

If you were raped, we'll report it to the police and get him...

Chris (in a whisper):
Nobody will believe me!

I'll believe you. Tell me. I know it's difficult to talk about it, but it's better if you do.

I didn't mean for it to happen.

I'm sure you didn't. So what happened.

I was upstairs, we were just...and then he....

He what?

You know what he did! Why do I have to tell you every disgusting detail.

I don't want to talk to you or Pamela or anyone and I'm not going to the hospital!!! Nobody will believe me!

Chris, I'll believe you. Just tell me what happened.

Okay you want to know what happened. Here's the story. I went upstairs with this guy and he wanted to do it. That's it. He pushed and I screamed! The music was so loud...nobody heard me... but everybody saw me go up with the guy.

A door slams downstairs. It is 2 AM. Joseph looks in the direction of Chris' open bedroom door and listens as footsteps come loudly upstairs.

Joe Jr. hears Chris crying. He stops in the hallway and comes into her room. He is not steady on his feet.

Joe Jr.:
What's going on here?

There is silence in the room. Joe pulls himself together. He looks at his father, who is looking at him. He is surprised that his father is not coming down hard on him for being so late. He realizes that whatever is going on here is worse than him coming home drunk at 2 AM.

Joe Jr.:
Chrissie, what happened. Did that f-ed up slimeball do something to you?

Do you know something about this?

Joe, no!

Joe Jr.:
I was at that party! He was a slimeball from another school. A real creep. Why did you go upstairs with him? What did he do to you?

I didn't want to!

Joe Jr. (raises his voice, still shaky and kind of drunk):
Did he hurt you! (shouting) What did he do to you?!?!

Lower your voice!

Joe Jr.:
F- you!!!!

Joe runs downstairs.

Chris (screaming): Joe! Don't do it!!!

A door slams downstairs.

Next Episode: Joseph and Pamela Talk About the Date Rape of Chris

Previous Episode: Chris's Predicament

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Last modified on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 20:24
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